Missouri’s Pro-Abortion Amendment
Bishops Statements and Videos
The Missouri Bishops issued a statement regarding the Pro-Abortion Amendment 3 that seeks to amend the Missouri Constitution and legalize abortion throughout all stages of pregnancy. Click on the link to read the statement –
Statement on Acceptance of Amendment 3
Missouri Bishops’ Statement on pro-abortion Amendment 3
Missouri Bishops Statement on Abortion Initiative Petition
Archbishop Rozanski on Amendment 3: Video statement
The Extreme Consequences of Amendment 3: Bishop James V. Johnston, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph.
Bishop Johnston addresses Amendment 3: Video statement
On life, let us be guided by God’s mercy: Bishop W. Shawn McKnight, Diocese of Jefferson City, video statement on Amendment 3.
On life, let us be guided by God’s mercy: Bishop W. Shawn McKnight, Diocese of Jefferson City, written statement on Amendment 3.
Language of the Proposed Constitutional Amendment
Funding Sources for Amendment 3: Reports can be found on the Missouri Ethics Commission website. Each report details who donated and the quantity donated. At the end of each report is a list of expenditures. This will allow you to see where the money is coming from and where the money is going.
Donors who have given more than $5,000 to Missourians for Constitutional Freedom to promote abortion in Missouri. Largest donations come from out-of-state special interest groups.
Medical Doctors’ Concerns About Amendment 3
- Amendment 3 intertwines abortion with other forms of reproductive services: Dr. Alexa Williams, an OB/GYN, warns that Amendment 3 language is confusing because it essentially includes “no restrictions, no safety standards, no parental consent for minors and no limitations on taxpayer funding.”
- Dr. David Stanfield letter regarding Amendment 3
- Will Pro-Life State Laws Hurt Women and Hinder Doctors?
Parish Resources
The following resources are available to parishes for sharing information about Amendment 3.
Where Does It Say That: A one-page flyer that highlights what the Aborton Constitutional Amendment language says vs. what it actually does.
¿LO SABÍA?: A one-page flyer that highlights what the Aborton Constitutional Amendment language says vs. what it actually does.
Get the Facts on Amendment 3: A one-page flyer that shows the full text of the amendment and what it would do in Missouri.
The Detailed Facts on Amendment 3: A one-page flyer that details the seven most alarming repercussions of Amendment 3.
Que Haria La Enmienda 3 De Missouri: A one-page flyer that shows the full text of the amendment and what it would do in Missouri.
The Truth about Abortion and Women’s Health: A one-page flyer that dispels many myths that restrictions on abortion will limit women’s access to life-saving care
La verdad sobre el aborto y la salud de la mujer: A one-page flyer that dispels many myths that restrictions on abortion will limit women’s access to life-saving care
The following resources are available for parish bulletins or bulletin boards.
- Fact 1: Put Women at Risk / Dato 1: Poner en Riesgo a las Mujures
- Fact 2: Prohibit Any Regulation of Abortion / Dat0 2: Prohibir Cualquier Regulacion del Aborto
- Fact 3: Shield Negligent Health Care Professionals / Dato 3: Blindar a los Cupables de Negligencia Medica
- Fact 4: Permit Abortion Even When the Preborn Child Can Feel Pain / Dato 4: Permitir Abortos Incluso Cuando el Bebe ya Puede Sentir Dolor
- Fact 5: Eliminate Parental Notification or Consent / Dato 5: Prescindir del Consentimiento de los Padres Para Ques las Menores Aborten
- Fact 6: Allow Abortion at Any Time for Any Reason / Dato 6: Legalizar el Aborto en Cualquier Punto del Embarazo Y Por Cualquier Motivo
- Fact 7: Open The Door To Taxpayer-Funded Abortions / Dato 7: Dar Pie a Que Los Abortos Sean Financiados Con Los Impuestos De Todos
- Half-page bulletin ad
- Prayer card
- Our Lady of Guadalupe prayer card
In the News – Articles
- Amendment 3: A Misleading and Dangerous Pro-Abortion Constitutional Amendment
- Enmienda 3 La engañosa y dañina iniciativa proaborto que amenaza a Missouri
- Coalition’s Declaration Promotes Life-Affirming Health Care for Both “Materal and Fetal” Patients.
- Pro-Life Laws Aren’t Driving Surge in Infant Deaths, OB-GYN Expert Says
Amendment 3 intertwines abortion with other forms of reproductive services: Dr. Alexa Williams, an OB/GYN, warns that Amendment 3 language is confusing because it essentially includes “no restrictions, no safety standards, no parental consent for minors and no limitations on taxpayer funding.”
- Fetal Pain in the First Trimester: National Library of Medicine
- Church Leaders Speak Out Against Amendment 3
Proposed amendment would enshrine abortion in state’s Constitution, take away protections
Thomas More Society Files Lawsuit Challenging Missouri “Reproductive Freedom” Ballot Initiative
Missouri Supreme Court rules amendment legalizing abortion will remain on ballot
- Missouri Catholic Conference Statement on the Missouri Supreme Court Decision to Keep Amendment 3 on the November Ballot
- Pro-abortion Amendment 3 has raised more than $16 million dollars to promote abortion in Missouri
- Forced Abortions in Surrogacy Contracts
- Luke’s Story of misdiagnosis
- Let’s Talk About Amendment 3 with Fr. Mitchell Baer
- A former Abortion Doctor talks about when Abortion is Medically Necessary
- Doctor DESTROYS Transgender Madness with Scientific Evidence
- Confessions From Former Abortion Facility Workers
- Abortion Providers Meet Women Who Regret Their Abortions
- Raped at 11, My Mother Became Pregnant with me
- Late Term Abortions Happen All the Time
- What is 2363?
- Aiding abusers
- I’m a triplet
- Former Abortionist Reflects on Painful Past
- Abortion is Never Medically Necessary
- Reply to: Abortion in Cases of Rape
- Reply to: I’m personally pro-life but…
Diocesan Resources
- The Respect Life Apostolate of the Archdiocese of St. Louis has created a helpful one-page flyer regarding the 5 things you can do right now to save the preborn and protect Missouri. Click on the link to download the flyer – 5 Things You Can Do Right Now
- The Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph’s Life and Justice office has created a two-page flyer with information on the Abortion Initiative Petition and resources available in the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph. Click on the link to download the flyer – KCSJ Diocese Abortion flyer
- Please note that each diocese has resources available to assist women and families in crisis. You can find a list of resources by diocese here.
Pray to Defeat Missouri’s Pro-Abortion Amendment

Mary and Joseph trusted in you and welcomed Jesus into our broken world. God Almighty, we ask their intercession to protect the preborn and their mothers, and to guide all parents in raising their children. May they help us build a civilization of love by upholding the sacredness of life and accompanying pregnant women in need.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Our Lady, Mother of the Family, pray for us!
St. Joseph, protector of the unborn, pray for us!