Supporters Deliver Signatures to Put Abortion on the Ballot

May 03, 2024

Abortion supporters on Friday delivered boxes of signatures to the Secretary of State, seeking to put a pro-abortion constitutional amendment on the ballot. Representatives of Missourians for Constitutional Freedom claim that the group collected over 380,000 signatures across the state. Petitions proposing constitutional amendments must be signed by eight percent of legal voters in any six of the eight congressional districts to make it on the ballot. This means that petitioners must collect a minimum of 171,592 valid signatures. 

The secretary of state’s office must now distribute copies of the signatures to local election authorities to verify signatures. Once signatures are verified, the secretary of state will determine whether there are enough valid signatures to place the petition on the ballot for the next general election. 

The Missouri Catholic Conference will continue to monitor the progress of the ballot initiative and will provide updates as we receive them. As the signatures are verified, we encourage all Catholics and people of good will to continue to pray that this initiative is ultimately not successful.