Senate Committee Considers Bills to Remove Tax on Diapers and Feminine Hygiene Products

February 28, 2025

The Senate Economic and Workforce Development Committee this week heard testimony on two bills designed to eliminate the tax on diapers and feminine hygiene products. SB 57, sponsored by Sen. Mary Elizabeth Coleman (R – Arnold), would provide a sales tax exemption for the sale of groceries and diapers. While the MCC took no position on the grocery exemption, it testified in support of the provision to remove the tax on diapers.

The MCC also testified in support of SB 95, sponsored by Sen. Patty Lewis (D – Kansas City). The bill would provide a sales tax exemption for diapers and feminine hygiene products, and would extend the sunset on a tax credit program for donations to diaper banks.

Both bills must be voted out of committee before they can be considered by the full Senate.