The Public Policy Committee (PPC) is made up of 15 people appointed by the Board of Directors (Missouri Bishops).
These members represent each of the four dioceses in Missouri. The number of representatives from each diocese reflects its Catholic population. Each member serves a three-year term and is required to attend near-monthly meetings. Those appointed have diverse areas of expertise in areas including education, health, social welfare, government relations, policy analysis, and formation. The role of the PPC is to provide expertise/experience in reviewing pending legislation, and mobilize Catholics for legislative action. The PPC also serves as an advisory body to the Board of Directors on legislation.
Archdiocese of St. Louis
Deacon Chris Ast
Jill Burkett
Shawna DuBois
Deacon Patrick McCruden
Mark Mueller
Deacon Jorge Perez
Deacon Pat Waldschmidt
Diocese of Kansas City-
St. Joseph
Nicolette Gibson
Deb Sheppard
Annette Weeks
Diocese of Jefferson City
Joshua Allee
Deacon John Hill
Erin Vader
Diocese of Springfield-
Cape Girardeau
Deacon Tony Peters
Deacon Gary Steffes