Pope’s Prayer Urges Political Leaders to be at the Service of People

August 02, 2024

Pope Francis has called on political leaders to be at the service of the poor, the unemployed, and the common good. In a video message posted on July 30, the pope dedicated his August prayer intention to political leaders, asking them to seek the common good. 

“Today, politics doesn’t have a very good reputation: corruption, scandals, distant from people’s day-to-day lives,” Pope Francis said. “But, can we move ahead toward universal fraternity without good politics? No,” he said.

Good politics is a “politics that listens to what is really going on, that’s at the service of the poor, not the kind that’s holed up in huge buildings with large hallways,” Pope Francis said. “Let us pray that political leaders be at the service of their own people, working for integral human development and the common good, taking care of those who have lost their jobs and giving priority to the poorest,” he said.

To read more about the pope’s August prayer intention, please click here