Pope Francis Calls Drug Traffickers “Murderers” and Warns Against Legalization

July 01, 2024

On Wednesday, the pope addressed the issue of drug abuse and trafficking during his general audience on the occasion of the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. Pope Francis mentioned that, even though every person has inherent dignity, “we cannot ignore the evil intentions and actions of drug dealers and traffickers. They are murderers.” After calling them to repentance and conversion, he added that “a reduction in drug addiction is not achieved by liberalizing drug use,” pointing out that “it is a moral duty to end the production and trafficking of these dangerous substances.”

The International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking was established by the United Nations in 1987 and is observed every June 26. This year’s theme is: “The evidence is clear: invest in prevention.”

Pope Francis’ full speech is available in English here.