Italy’s PM Proposes Financial Assistance for Women in Need Who Reject Abortion

July 12, 2024

The government of Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has proposed a “maternity income” bill to offer financial assistance to pregnant women in need who refuse to abort their babies. This measure would provide 1,000 euros (around $1,100) in monthly aid for five years to Italian women who decide to continue with their pregnancy despite their financial problems (to qualify, they must earn less than 15,000 euros per year). For each child after the second year, there would be a monthly increase of 50 euros, and for each disabled child, there would be a supplement of 100 euros until the child turns 18.

This is not the first time that Meloni has stood for life. In April, she approved a package of measures to curb abortion in Italy, including one that allowed pro-life volunteers to access abortion centers to offer assistance to pregnant mothers who are considering abortion.

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