House Passes Expansion of Safe Haven Baby Boxes

March 07, 2025

The House on Wednesday third read and passed legislation to help the state set up more safe haven baby boxes at Missouri hospitals and fire stations. Current Missouri law allows parents to give up their newborns, up to 45 days of age, at a designated drop-off box without the fear of prosecution. HB 121, sponsored by Rep. Jim Murphy (R – St. Louis), would change the baby age limit to 90 days of age and would create a state fund to match up to $10,000 per installation of a drop-off box. The boxes are climate-controlled with a bassinet inside, and immediately notify emergency responders when a baby is placed inside of it. Missouri currently has two safe haven boxes, with nine more on the way. HB 121 passed the House unanimously and now goes to the Senate for debate.

The MCC testified in favor of HB 121.