House Committee Hears Child Care Bill

February 09, 2024

The House Workforce and Infrastructure Development Committee on Wednesday heard testimony on a bill designed to address the lack of access to affordable child care in the state. HB 1488, sponsored by Rep. Brenda Shields (R-St. Joseph), would create three separate tax credit programs to help stabilize the industry: For donors to child care facilities, for employers who help pay for employees’ child care, and for child care providers. According to Shields, 94 of Missouri’s 114 counties are in a child care desert. Her hope is that the programs would encourage donations and investments that would be used to improve facilities, staff salaries, and training.

More than a dozen groups testified in favor of the bill, including child care providers, state and local chambers of commerce, child advocacy groups, the pro-life group Campaign Life, and the MCC. The bill must be voted out of committee before it can be considered by the entire House.