On Monday, April 8, people throughout North and Central America will look to the heavens to observe a total solar eclipse. As darkness falls for a few moments, the temperature will drop, streetlights may briefly flicker on, birds and plants will act unusually, and...
News: Faith
Will Hong Kong’s harsh National Security Law affect the seal of confession?
Hong Kong’s draconian national security law has now come into force, despite generalized international criticism that it could erode freedoms in the city. The law will set life-sentences for treason, stricter sentences for sedition, and up to 14 years in prison for...
Emphasizing the “Holy” in Holy Week
As we prepare to enter into the most sacred days of the liturgical year, we have a key opportunity to make up for any shortcomings that may have been part of our Lent this year. Holy Week offers us the chance to refocus, reflect, and renew as we wind down our Lenten...
Catholic Priests Determined to Remain in Haiti
Violence continues to plague Haiti as the national government loses control. Despite the unrest, local Catholic priests are determined to remain on the island nation to care for those in need, whether that need is spiritual or material. “Where can we go? We have to...
Pope Advances Sainthood Cause of US Author’s Daughter
Pope Francis has advanced the sainthood cause of U.S. Sister Rose Hawthorne, the daughter of Nathaniel Hawthorne, one of the greatest fiction writers in American literature who is best known for writing “The Scarlet Letter”. The pope signed a decree attesting to the...
“Leaping Saint” Matthias
In 1578, the Gregorian calendar was put into provisional use in most Catholic countries to solve the seasonal problems with the year; however, it caused a liturgical problem–what to do on Leap Year Day? The Catholic Church did not want a saint’s day occurring once...
House Passes Campus Religious Liberty Bill
The House this week passed a bill meant to protect the rights of religious student groups at public universities. HB 1518, sponsored by Rep. Brad Hudson (R - Cape Fair), would prevent universities from denying a religious student group the same benefits as other...