On Wednesday, Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey issued a notice of intent to serve a cease and desist order against Planned Parenthood facilities in Missouri to prohibit them from violating state health and safety standards by performing chemically induced abortions without an approved complication plan.
“Missouri law is clear: any facility performing chemical abortions must have an approved complication plan in place to protect women’s health and safety,” said Attorney General Bailey. “With up to 5% of women who undergo chemical abortions ending up in the emergency room, Planned Parenthood’s refusal to follow basic safety standards puts women at risk.”
Missouri law requires that any facility performing chemical abortions must have a complication plan in place when the FDA label of an abortion drug indicates that more than 1% of patients require surgical intervention. The FDA’s own data shows that up to 4.6% of women who undergo chemical abortions require emergency medical care.
You can read the full notice here.