Missouri Catholic Conference
The Missouri Catholic Conference is the public policy agency of the Catholic Church in Missouri. We promote the common good by advocating for public policy that upholds the sanctity and dignity of all human life.

Prayer for Pope Francis
O God, shepherd and ruler of all the faithful,
look favorably on your servant Francis,
whom you have set at the head of your Church as her shepherd;
Grant, we pray, that by word and example
he may be of service to those over whom he presides
so that, together with the flock entrusted to his care,
he may come to everlasting life.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the
unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.
Latest Information
Public Policy Priorities
Protect Human Life
“It is impossible to further the common good without acknowledging and defending the right to life, upon which all the other inalienable rights of individuals are founded and from which they develop.” (Saint John Paul II, Gospel of Life, No. 101)
Immigrants & Refugees
“Every stranger who knocks at our door is an opportunity for an encounter with Jesus Christ, who identifies with the welcomed and rejected strangers of every age.” (Pope Francis, 2017 Message for World Day of Migrants and Refugees)
Social & Economic Justice
“Certainly, it is the proper function of authority to arbitrate, in the name of the common good, between various particular interests; but it should make accessible to each what is needed to lead a truly human life: food, clothing, health, work, education and culture, suitable information, the right to establish a family, and so on.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, No. 1908)
Marriage and Family
“The importance of the family for the life and well-being of society entails a particular responsibility for society to support and strengthen marriage and the family.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, No. 2210)
Defend Religious Liberty
“[T]he right to religious freedom has its foundation in the very dignity of the human person as this dignity is known through the revealed word of God and by reason itself.” (Declaration on Religious Freedom, No. 2)
“As those first responsible for the education of their children, parents have the right to choose a school for them which corresponds to their own convictions.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, No. 2229)
Reform Criminal Justice
“We believe that both victims and offender[s] are children of God. Despite their very different claims on society, their lives and dignity should be protected and respected. We seek justice, not vengeance.” (U.S. Bishops, A Catholic Perspective on Crime and Criminal Justice, Nov. 2000)
Civilty in Politics
“[R]esponsible authority also means authority exercised with those virtues that make it possible to put power into practice as service (patience, modesty, moderation, charity, efforts to share), an authority exercised by persons who are able to accept the common good, and not prestige or the gaining of personal advantages, as the true goal of their work.” (Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church, No. 410)
Request a Speaker
The staff of the Missouri Catholic Conference is available to discuss with your parish, organization or group about what is happening at the Missouri Capitol, legislation, or the Catholic Church’s position on numerous topics. Each member of our staff can talk on a variety of issues. Listed below are their most requested topics. If you do not see a specific issue you are interested in, please contact our office so we can discuss your selected topic.

Jamie Morris, Executive Director and General Counsel
Most requested topics include Pro-Life Issues, Faithful Citizenship, Religious Liberty, Family, Education, and Legislation.

Curtis Wichmer, Legislative Analyst
Most requested topics include Criminal Justice, the Death Penalty, Social Programs, Pornography Regulations, and Catholic Social Teaching.

Guillermo Villa Trueba, PhD, Hispanic Outreach Manager
Most requested topics include Immigration, Refugees, Catholic Social Teaching, and Religious Liberty. Dr. Villa Trueba’s talks can be given in Spanish or English.